Friday, August 29, 2008


Can't sleep, so there's no doubt I'll be dragging my feet later on. Sometimes it's just hard to get to sleep and stay asleep. Maybe it's the thousand or so thoughts racing through my mind. You know, scattered thoughts about what didn't get finished that day. Or what will get accomplished tomorrow. Seems like I have a running "to do" list in my mind at all times. Exercise, especailly yoga, is great to get myself relaxed, but usually it's just more quiet time for me to concentrate on "the list". Shopping is also a great get-away for a few hours, I end up buying things I need on "the list". Vacations and holidays are always great, but then I find myself longing for the list and feeling guilty that I couldn't check something off it that day. Even though the list grows and shrinks constantly, I'm convinced I will never be rid of the list. It's attached to me and to be honest I would be lost without it. Ordered these fabrics before our move and I just love them. They will make a really fun quilt, but I'm stuck on what pattern to use. I want to show off the larger print fabrics and minimize the smaller print wild ones. Any suggestions? I also bought this group of fabrics:
Aren't these fabrics yummy? I love much that I'm afraid to cut into them. So, really, give me your suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it. :o)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Finally, I'm back

I can't believe how long it took me to get hooked up again after our move. BT and Sky don't work well together that's all I have to say about that. It's done with and I am back. Yeah!!

Isn't this flower gorgeous? I love it with the dew on the petals. My son took this one with his video camera. We were wandering around Valley Gardens one June morning and we just had to stop and gaze at these beauties. Of all the pictures I have, I would like to take my favorites and make mini quilts out of them one day.

My sewing room is all set up waiting for me to get to work. The movers did a horrible job of mixing up everything they possibly could. It took me days to find the legs to my cabinets and I had to find them before putting the fabrics in. My fabrics are jumbled as well, so one day I will have to sort out everything into their proper color groups. It's a good week to stay in and do all this as we have predicted weather of rain until Friday.

I hope to get back in the swing of things and visit the blogs I've neglected over the last few months. It will be nice to catch up with you all again. Cheers!

Grandmother's Quilt

  Unboxed and spread out on the floor.  It was basted to all the layers and didn't lay flat.  The backing extended 6-8 inches all around...