Friday, April 1, 2016

Signs of Spring Away

I just got home from a trip to our Nation's capitol, Washington D.C., and had a wonderful time exploring the area and seeing the signs of spring. 

There are always a lot of people around, but this time of year is the annual Cherry Blossom festival and people from all over come here to take pictures of the beautiful trees and monuments. 
We had a dark gray day just before the blooms popped.   So, my pictures don't show those wonderful colors. 
On another day out, we went to the Air and Space Museum in Chantilly Virginia.  Again, a gray dull day, but their trees looked wonderful. 

Not a Cherry Blossom, but still beautiful.  And these were near our hotel. 

It was refreshing to see all the blooming trees and know that spring has sprung somewhere.
When I returned home, my neighbor told me that 20" of snow had fallen just two days before
and most of it is melted. 
Roaming through the airport shops I came across this bag.  Pretty pink color, good size, but
I felt it needed something. 
It's painted using acrylics and a freezer paper template.  I'm letting it dry and trying to decide
if I need more blooms or some branches or both....

Grandmother's Quilt

  Unboxed and spread out on the floor.  It was basted to all the layers and didn't lay flat.  The backing extended 6-8 inches all around...