Saturday, December 16, 2023


Looking back on this year, I can say a lot of work has been started and some has been completed.  Some of it was easy breezy and some was lost in a fog of proccupation of one thing or another.  Resulting in UFO's, starts and stops, and downright bin fodder.   Not complaining here, just simply remarking of the processes in growth and development of the art form.  Sometimes being preoccupied and diverted is a very positive thing.  

Note:  the top portion of this post was drafted at the end of 2023, many months ago, and I never finished it.  More preoccupation.  But, now being September 2024, I look back on this year and am happy with the progress made.  I will always have some UFO's that linger for months or even years.  Motivation and interest has to keep me going.  Letting go of things I don't even like anymore is important for me to grasp.   Inspiration is, luckily, something I think I may always have.  So many topics and techniques to explore. 

For now, back to sewing...

Grandmother's Quilt

  Unboxed and spread out on the floor.  It was basted to all the layers and didn't lay flat.  The backing extended 6-8 inches all around...