Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Something New

Here it is, all finished. It only measures 30 inches square. I like it but it does have mistakes, of course, it wouldn't be my quilt if it didn't have at least 1 mistake! The pattern or technique was taken from Ricky Tims' book "Convergence Quilts". Here is a picture from the book of what the quilt should have looked like.

I found the book to be easy to read and it was just packed with pictures not only of each step to take, but also how to get different looks and styles. When I am interrupted just for a second this is what ends up happening. I cut the stips from the wrong direction, so I got a totally different result.

Now, I do like the outcome, however I am going to try the technique again at a later date. Probably with some of my wilder prints.

On to something new, I have received my order of wonderful cheery fabrics from equilter and was wondering what to do with them. The free piecing class that Tonya gave was so inspiring to me that I not only finished my "Let It Snow" quilt, but that I wanted to do a lap size quilt as a Valentine gift to my DH. So, here are the fabrics I've chosen, some of them are brand new and some are from my stash.

My ideas for the words have gone from Conversation heart type sayings like, "Be Mine", "hugs", "you're hot", "kiss me" and these would be inside heart shaped blocks. To the X's and O's blocks with words at the top, bottom or both saying "Be My Valentine". Maybe I can do a mixture of both these things since it will be large enough in the end.

It's another dreary winter day here, so good time to stay in and sketch out these ideas. Have a great day! :o)


Tonya Ricucci said...

wheeee, the valentine's quilt sound marvelous. and what fun fabrics. congrats on the Convergence finish. new rule for you: never point out your mistakes. you've made it differently, not wrong.

Kim West said...

I can't wait to see your valentine quilt - sounds interesting. Welcome to blogland!

Lisa said...

Hi Sandy, it makes me laugh that you posted the pic of your quilt and then one saying "this is what it should look like" because to me that is exactly what it does look like :o)

If you really don't like it after you've lived with it a while you could use it as a background for another project, applique some big flowers on it, embellish it with some beads or bling. Have some fun with it.


Anonymous said...

I agree with Tonya about the mistakes thing. My philosphy is that I never make mistakes, I just alter the pattern, even if it is unknowingly.

KC Quilter said...

Welcome to Blogland! I just discovered your blog via Tonya's. Wow, you do gorgeous work!!! Will visit often.

dee said...

Your quilt looks great. I'm soooo in love with the red & green applique quilt you showed in your first entry. Wow, what a gorgeous piece that is. Just beautifully done.
I'll be back often-I found you through Tonya's blog.

Cher said...

I agree with Tonya- enjoy your own version of whatever you make! the new fabrics for the new quilt look great- all fun stuff! It's exciting to come up with your own ideas and have fun doing it.

Lynn Dykstra said...

I love how it turned out--especially with the wonderful lower left border fabric. It looks so different cut into the smaller pieces.

Sandy's Quilter's Block said...

Thank you for your encouragement and comments! One flaw I have, if you want to call it that, is that I am brutally honest with myself and I suppose that can be bad at times.

Grandmother's Quilt

  Unboxed and spread out on the floor.  It was basted to all the layers and didn't lay flat.  The backing extended 6-8 inches all around...