Wednesday, February 6, 2008

More Progress

This was taken on BEAUTIFUL Sunday morning. The village square had these wonderful scraps hanging for decoration and celebration of Fasching and Rose Monday.

I am making slow steady progress on the Valentine lap quilt. Seems like I can only sew for about 2 hours before I switch gears and move on to something cooking, cleaning, or HAVING to go grocery shopping. If it was possible for me, I would not ever go shopping....any kind of shopping. Nope, don't like it at all. Clothes shopping is always a disappointment. Absolutely everything I try on (and have actually bought) looks hideous on me from socks to sunglasses. Do you ever have those days?
Grocery shopping is another story entirely. I always feel as if I am in everyone's way and even though I shop at the same grocery store every month (yes, I only shop once a month) it seems like I have trouble finding everything I need, so I end up cruising the aisles at least twice. After 2 hours of this, I stand in line for what seems like an eternity and everything is starting to melt or defrost before it's bagged. This is why sewing/crafting/quilting is important to me. It's the ME time to create something I like. It can also be the stress outlet I need.

So without further ado, here it is so far:

I need to make more X's and O's and start on the words, "Be My Valentine". When completed, I am hoping to get it around 50"X 60". That seems to be the ideal size for a lap quilt.

My DH has already seen this in progress and I told him it was for him. His response, "Groovy, with the green and pink it looks like a 70's quilt". At least he doesn't come right out with, "I hate it". He respects me and my work, so, OK, I love HaHaHa, just kidding.


Clare said...

Oh how I agree with you about shopping for clothes. I get cross and then depressed. However, shopping for quilting supplies and fanric is a different story!

The quilt is looking good and I love the photos of the scraps.

Sharon said...

I, too, agree with you about shopping. It seems like it's always time to go to the grocery store, and I dread it. And don't even ask about clothes shopping. I have always hated it, even when a little girl. Yuck!
The quilt is looking great! "Groovy" works! My DD would love it.
Where do you live in Germany? I lived in Kaiserslautern for 3 years, many years ago. I miss Germany.
Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. I'll keep checking in on yours.

Lily Mulholland said...

I love the scrappy bunting! And great progress on your lap quilt too :) Your DH sounds funny!

Tonya Ricucci said...

once a month? how the heck do you manage that? I seem to need to go several times a week - I'm just not organized enough. wheee, making progress on the quilt! said...

Hi Sandy, the village looks so pretty with the fabrics fluttering. I hadn't realised you were in Germany until now.
I'd love to be able to shop just once a month because I hate doing it so much. What I hate even more than doing the big shop is if I miss something or run out, and have to make extra trips. I just find supermarkets crowded, messy, shelves not refilled when they should be... I mean, how do they expect you to buy things if they don't refill the shelves. On the other hand yesterday I had a lovely trip with a friend to visit nearby quilt stores and we stopped at 3 market gardens, one for blueberries, one for pears and plums and another for veges. We talked to the people who grow the produce. It was so much more civilised than the supermarket.

Grandmother's Quilt

  Unboxed and spread out on the floor.  It was basted to all the layers and didn't lay flat.  The backing extended 6-8 inches all around...