Monday, February 15, 2010

Catching Up

Time to catch up on my blog.  I've been sewing when I get an hour to spare, but I find it more difficult to sit down and write a post.  The challenge I started a month ago has started very slow for me.   Sometimes I start on a fabric and have to let it dry or think about what I want to do on it next, so it may take me days to get back to it.  So far, though, I've been able to work on 2 or 3 at a time. 
For this one, I took a scrap piece of flowery fabric, used bleach to lighten some of the areas as it was a bright print.   Next, I used fabric paints and a styrofoam net from the blood oranges I bought to stencil paint the purple on.  I also used oil pastels and rubbing plates to make the flowers more pronounced.  Lastly, I used gutta "lead" to paint on the outlines of the flowers. 
I did this one for my son.  I like the final result, but while it was in the process, I had thought of trashing it a few times.  The first thing I did was paint the background of plain muslin with blue and purple cran'dache water soluable oil pastels.  Next, I used rubbing plates and a gold shiva paint stick.  I used a fleur de'lis stamp, a transfer, netting, grosgrain ribbon and found objects to add. 
This last one is a lot like one I did before except I didn't do the love letter in the background and I added a strip at the top.   Speaking of the very first 3 I did, I am getting slightly concerned that I haven't received them in the mail yet.  Since our mail is usually slow, especially around Federal holidays, I'm only slightly concerned.  
On the backs of these tiny creations I've written briefly the techniques used along with my name, date and that it's a post card challenge.  I will start numbering them so I can keep track. 

The other sewing projects I've been working on are pillowcases for the 1 million pillowcase challenge.   There's a lot at this site along with pillowcase patterns.   This should keep me busy until the weather gets better and I start itching to get out and do some hiking.  Until next time.....keep quilting.

1 comment:

Rich said...

I love your project, the quilts are wonderful and I look forward to seeing more post card quilts


Grandmother's Quilt

  Unboxed and spread out on the floor.  It was basted to all the layers and didn't lay flat.  The backing extended 6-8 inches all around...