Thursday, August 22, 2019


For several years, I have been active with the global project to make and donate handmade textile bags and bring awareness of the damaging use of plastic bags to our environment.  Usually there is a handout day that's planned ahead of time that takes place in well populated areas.  I've given away bags at event entry doors.  They are never to be sold for profit.  The textiles you use to create them are items that are worn out or destined to be thrown away, or could be newer fabrics.  There are so many good places to hunt for textiles like resale stores, yard sales, even fabric stores that are selling cheap lines or have to give away bolts.  Some beautiful bags have been made from curtains, old quilts, clothing, worn jeans, wool, etc... Please go here to read more about this project and join/create your own pod or get the bag pattern.  These bags will be given away at this event in November while my supply lasts. 

Just my opinion on this topic...Here we are, almost done with August.  It's been one heck of a hot summer but thankful there are minimal storms where I far.  Energy Star recently made a suggestion on the internet for recommended home temperature settings.  Go here to see the ABC news article.   There was a lot of angry discussion over this topic.  Quite frankly, I agree with Energy Star, but there are other factors to consider.  Our home is not energy efficient to start with.  We had to beef up our insulation, get new windows and install an insulated garage door so the heat wouldn't just seep through the house.  Something else to consider is solar panels.  This is costly up front, but in the long run, it will end up paying for itself.  Going green should be something everyone considers, as one person will not make much of an impact on the environment, but as a community, we could make a start. 

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Grandmother's Quilt

  Unboxed and spread out on the floor.  It was basted to all the layers and didn't lay flat.  The backing extended 6-8 inches all around...