Monday, June 18, 2012

IQFOI - part 2

As you entered the Town Hall on campus to register, the vendors were located almost straight ahead through a doorway.  To the left of that was the Antique quilt exhibit.  These quilts were amazing.  No photography was allowed, so I do not have any pictures of these quilts.  There was one that really stood out for me.  It was made of silk ribbons in the log cabin pattern.  It wasn't very big.  Wall hanging size, not a miniature and certainly not a usable throw quilt.  The colors were still vibrant and I saw only minor damage for an 1880's quilt.  Above the reception desk was an enormous 20 panelled quilt suspended from the balcony which all linked together in design.
This is the work of the Irish Patchwork society and called "Cu Na Mara" or Seahound.  Below was the reception area where the "Cead Mile Failte" (100,000 welcomes) hands display was. 

Next door to this display was the Wellness cafe where you could sit and have coffee or a snack.  Across the hall from the display was the Wicked Thimble pub.   Doors leading to the patio with picnic tables meant we could enjoy the view of row boats on the river while sipping our coffee and snacking on fruit scones.  There seemed to be plenty of places like this where you could escape from the crowds if you wanted to. 
The theatre next to the pub, held the Neighbors exhibit.  Here are just a couple quilts I found very interesting from this display.

This is a close up of the right upper corner of this quilt.  It was dark in the theatre with spot lights on the quilts, so some of my pictures did not turn out the best.  

There's still more to come.  I need to take a break now.  We are finally getting some summer-like weather, so I must go soak in some sun rays.  Here are some pictures to give you a little inspiration.  We walked along the beach between Galway and Salt Hill and here is what we found.  These are all shells, not stones. 
It is very shallow here for a long way.  The tide was still going out. 

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Grandmother's Quilt

  Unboxed and spread out on the floor.  It was basted to all the layers and didn't lay flat.  The backing extended 6-8 inches all around...