Thursday, January 7, 2016

Strippy Improv

I've blogged about Sherri Lynn Wood's new book before and go here to see more of her work and learn more about her book.  The first encounter with her process was the quilt I made called "Garden Ladder" using the Rythemic grid score.

Now I'm ready to try another score from her book.  So, I've been in my studio cleaning up and making some mental notes as well as some wipe board notes.  Going through my pile of scraps, I've realized that there are probably enough strips already cut to make a great improv top.  .  Here they are spread on my table and on the floor.  This is why I have to clean up after each project, hahaha. 

One thing about the improv style that I find liberating and somewhat scary is that you cut with your scissors and no ruler.  The uneven look is intended.  Most of the strips were 2"wide or a little more, so I used my scissors to cut them lengthways to about an 1" for some.  This was random and made for a more interesting design. 

Here are two strip pieced blocks and I am thinking about making 2 more, but I did do some playing with the white strips on my design board. 

Tomorrow I will continue with the strip pieced blocks and decide if the white strips will make their way into my design or ditch that idea and just cut the strip pieced blocks into smaller shapes and randomly sew them back together.  Maybe I will make some journal drawings to get a better mental picture.  One thing I don't want to do is plan or over think this project as it is suppose to be spontaneous and improvisational. 

We're in for more snow overnight, so it will be a good day to stay in and do more sewing.  ;o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this one! More artistic then traditional quilting! Do another one!

Grandmother's Quilt

  Unboxed and spread out on the floor.  It was basted to all the layers and didn't lay flat.  The backing extended 6-8 inches all around...